Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Toast vs. Vehicular Manslaughter

A conversation between me and Tucker during my Academic Writing class, concerning Tucker auditioning for Rocky Horror back in Newark.

Tucker: seriously
Tucker: i'd be awesome at it
Alex: I think you would.
Alex: And it would give me incentive for aiming my toast
Tucker: yeah
Tucker: don't throw things at the cast or the screen
Tucker: because the cast is expensive and the screen will
Tucker: FUCK
Tucker: YOU
Tucker: UP
Tucker: without even smearing its makeup
Alex: Yup.
Tucker: so yeah
Tucker: throw toast at me and i'll make you pay
Alex: I won't throw it at you.
Tucker: good
Alex: I'll throw it near you and it will happen to hit you.
Alex: Slightly.
Tucker: ahhh
Tucker: just like my car will drive near you and happen to
run you down
Alex: That's a bit violent for a stale piece of bread at
the head
Tucker: exactly
Tucker: i escalate
Alex: From a friendly taunt to vehicular manslaughter?
Tucker: yup

This has been a conversation between me and Tucker during my Academic Writing class, concerning Tucker auditioning for Rocky Horror back in Newark.

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