Wednesday, February 4, 2009

No Pot of Gold for Team Rainbow

Instead, it ended in a "black somethingorother." (real specific, Laura)

Unfortunately for culinarily talented lesbians everywhere, chef Jamie Lauren was kicked off Top Chef in its latest installment. Which is kind of a bummer, considering her cooking skills and great personality.

Although I do have to agree with fellow cheftestant Fabio Viviani on her favored protein. She did do a lot with scallops. Not that scallops are bad, but really, pick something else to work with. You have skills. Now pick something on land to cook.

So gone are the crazy sleeves of tattoos and Stefan's unattainable object of affection. Here's to hoping that the last few left (Leah Cohen, Hosea Rosenberg, Carla Hall, Fabio Viviani, and Stefan Ricter) are deserving of their top 5 fates.

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